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npm --version
npm install -g @mermaid-js/mermaid-cli
python --version
git clone <https://github.com/geekan/metagpt>
cd metagpt
python setup.py install
运行 python setup.py 的时候出错,把错误丢给ChatGPT 出了以下
The error message is indicating that the script doesn't have write access to the directory C:\\Program Files\\Python310\\Lib\\site-packages\\
. This is probably because you are trying to install a package globally on a Windows machine, which requires administrator privileges.
错误消息指出脚本没有写入目录**C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Python310\\\\Lib\\\\site-packages\\\\
**的权限。这可能是因为您正在尝试在 Windows 计算机上全局安装软件包,需要管理员权限。